Note Investing Club: The #1 Virtual Assistant Training Program for Due Diligence!
Step by step course to help you easily find, hire, and train a Virtual Assistant to complete asset due diligence for your note business!
Enroll in Course
Note Investing Club is an online training program that specifically teaches virtual assistants how to complete preliminary due diligence. The course was designed to provide active Note Investors with all of the tools they need to find, hire, and train their own virtual assistant to complete note due diligence quickly and efficiently.
The program has step by step videos and downloadable guides that show you or your VA exactly what to do every step along the way. Time is the one thing you can't get more of. By having all of the tools you need to quickly hire your first virtual assistant and get them trained effectively and throughly. When you complete the program, you will have your own virtual assistant (or real live assistant) trained and ready to dive into tapes, doing asset due diligence like a pro!
Your Instructor
Liz Brumer-Smith has been actively investing in non-performing notes for over five years. As she began scaling her business she felt the need for help with due diligence and assets. This led her to start her own due diligence training program so she could easily train virtual assistants for her own business. A few years later, she improved the training program and opened it up to the public. Liz also trains new note investors on the process of due diligence and how to invest in notes at
Course Curriculum
StartWELCOME | Introduction to Your New Job and Note Due Diligence (5:08)
StartStep 1: What is a "Tape"? | Adding Columns to your Spreadsheet (16:24)
StartStep 2 | Filtering a Tape (2:36)
StartStep 3: Finding Population Size & County (3:41)
StartStep 4: Google Images | Determining Property Condition and Adding Google Image (28:17)
StartStep 5: Using NetROnline to find County Appraiser, Tax Collector, and Public Records (3:56)
StartStep 6: Crime Rate (6:01)
StartStep 7: Area Demographics (4:17)
StartStep 8: Finding Property Information from the Property Appraisers Website (18:07)
StartStep 9: Finding the "CMV" | Current Market Value with "Comps" (42:50)
StartStep 10: Finding Annual and "Delinquent" (unpaid) Taxes (19:07)
StartStep 11: Searching for Liens or Judgements in Public Records (37:02)
StartStep 12: Searching for Bankruptcy | (8:43)
StartStep 13: Determining Average Rent (7:25)
StartStep 14: Finding HOA Fees (3:49)
StartBonus | Researching a Property from Start to Finish (20:06)
We hear from a lot of investors, "well I can just do it myself" and sure, you could continue to do the research yourself but why would you when this training program makes it easier than ever to have someone do it for you, and do it well! The quote from Tim Ferris sums it up perfectly. "If you spend your time, worth $20 - $25 per hour, that someone else will do for $10 per hour, it's simply a poor use of resources." Instead of doing your own due diligence, focus your time on scaling and growing your business, getting more deals, and working through the ones you have.
Yes, you could even create your own training system. But we both know the time and resources needed to do so are simply not worth it! We sacrificed the time and months it takes to create a system as effective as this one. We've done the hard work for you and are happy to share our success with you.
Maximize your potential, free up your time, and give yourself the freedom to focus on what's important to you.